Speech Rates app for iPhone and iPad
Speech Rates is a utility application designed to accurately calculate diadochokinetic syllable rates, also known as alternating motion rates (AMRs) and sequential motion rates (SMRs).
Specifically designed for use by speech-language pathologists, Speech Rates provides a means of evaluating a clients ability to produce sequenced articulatory movements. Speech Rates allows for calculation of four articulatory tasks: /pʌ/, /tʌ/, /kʌ/, and /pʌtəkə/. Syllable productions are individually counted by tapping on the task start button.
Two calculation methods are provided. By selecting Seconds as the task variable in the settings menu, therapists can calculate the number of seconds needed for clients to produce a predetermined number of syllable repetitions. Syllable repetitions are established at 20 for single syllable tasks and 10 for multi-syllable tasks.
By selecting Repetitions as the task variable in the settings menu, therapists can obtain the number of syllable repetitions a client is able to produce within a predetermined number of seconds. Number of seconds is established at 15 seconds for single syllable tasks and 10 seconds for multi-syllable tasks.
Calculating diadochokinetic rates has never been easier or more accurate. Tasks can be selected by tapping a specific row within the summary table allowing therapists to evaluate tasks in any order.
Each articulatory task can be individually reset to accommodate errors in client production. A total reset is also available in the lower navigation bar or by shaking the device.
Latest reviews of Speech Rates app for iPhone and iPad
i cant get the times to go up on the row once they have completed the phoneme. Also, some norms would be nice.
Medical Speech-Language Pathologist here, specializing in Voice and Swallowing - I love this app. Easy to use, easy to clear and easy to switch between timing and syllables. Thank you for this. Unsure why the other reviewer had a hard time - Im guessing they do not run the correct OS? Either way, highly recommended for anyone working with voice or motor speech! For the clinician looking for norms: * CHILD: Fletcher (1978) provided norms for children 6-13. * ADULT: J Med Assoc Thai (1998, Oct;81/10) provided norms for adults.